Campus Directory

University of South Florida · College of Behavioral & Community Sciences · Mental Health Law & Policy


Key Personnel:
David A. Chiriboga, Ph.D.
John Robst, Ph.D.
Kristen Turner, M.S.
Jing Guo, M.S.
Giyeon Kim, Ph.D
Karon Phillips, B.A.

A Multi-Method Examination of Behavioral Health Disparities in the Medicaid Population

Publication Date: 6/1/2008

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This Florida Agency for Health Care Administration (AHCA) contracted project analyzed data from FMHI surveys conducted from 2002 through 2006. The surveys were drawn from the population of individuals with Medicaid claims data, and included both recipients age 18 and under, and 18 through 64. For each survey, respondent data was linked to their corresponding Medicaid data. Results demonstrate that significant differences exist between responders and nonresponders. Whites were generally more likely to respond, as were Hispanic recipients. In addition, those whose Medicaid claims data for the year in which they took the survey were in general more likely to respond.