Key Personnel:
David L. Shern, Ph.D.
Julienne Giard, MSW.
Pat Robinson, MSW.
Paul Stiles, Ph.D.
Roger Boothroyd, Ph.D.
Mary Rose Murrin, M.A.
and Huey Chen, Ph.D.
Tim Boaz, Ph.D.
Michael Dow, Ph.D.
John Ward, Ph.D.
Evaluation of Florida's prepaid mental health plan: Year 4 report
Publication Date: 6/1/2001
In this report, we summarize the results and recommendations from the fourth year of our evaluation of the Florida Managed Mental Health Care Initiative. In March 1996, the Florida Agency for Health Care Administration (AHCA) implemented a Prepaid Mental Health Plan (PMHP) demonstration, under the authority of a 1915b waiver from the Federal Health Care Financing Administration. The Louis de la Parte Florida Mental Health Institute (FMHI) was selected to evaluate the effects of the Prepaid Plan. Under contract from AHCA and with previous additional support from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, we are conducting a series of integrated, multimethod evaluation projects that are designed to assess the effects of the PMHP on access, cost, quality, and outcomes of services relative to alternative managed care arrangements, and to the traditional financing arrangements that are in use in the rest of the state.